Saturday, November 2, 2002

Patzcuaro, Mexico

Last night the day of the dead celebrations went off around Morelia as people flocked to the streets and graveyards to hold candlelit vigils in respect of those passed away. The city was covered in marigolds and the streets were alive with kids of all ages in Halloween costumes. We celebrated by buying a huge rotisserie chicken.

Today we caught the bus to Patzcuaro, about 50km from Morelia, and find ourselves in a tiny town with far too many people. I think we must of got the last hotel room in town because the place is just a seething mass of people everywhere. The Posada de San Rafael cost us about US$14 for the night but it was charmless compared to where we had stayed in Morelia. Patzcuaro is the center of the day of the dead celebrations and apparently Mexicans flock here each year in huge numbers. It’s a lovely little highland town with some great colonial-style buildings but we will only stay one day. Tomorrow we head off for even more mayhem – in Mexico City.

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